- Use as a one-step machine for skipping, fingerprints or light scratches, or as a multi-step machine for deep scratches and gouges.
- Lightweight, silent motor, and safe compounds make the CD+ – or DVD+ – look brand new every time.
- No water needed! You do not have to deal with filter changes, water pumps, water hoses, or dirty water!
- Easy to operate
- Supply kit now includes enough supplies for 100 repairs with JFJ Easy Pro purchase.
- Unlike some other products, which have a high maintenance, the Easy Pro™ maintenance is very low.
- Works on all compact disc formats: Music CD, CD-Rom, DVDs, Sony Playstation, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, X-BOX, X-box 360, XBOX ONE, Blu-ray, Wii, GameCube (supplies sold separately), CD-R, DVD-R, and HD DVD.